Everything You Need to Know About Increasing Spirituality


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Whether you are a spiritual person seeking greater revelation in your life, or you are just beginning to see that inspiration and direction that are available to you, you will increase your ability to hear heaven's voice—and therefore be able to act with courage—after spending some time with us.

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with personal revelation

Principles that are included:

How to improve your prayers to communicate with God the Father.

​How to build a better relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost.

How to develop the skill of listening to the Holy Ghost so you can receive Personal Revelation more often.

How to improve your fasting so you can ask and get answers to the right questions.

How to get more Personal Revelations (Divine Directions).

How to discover who you are to fulfill your mission here on earth.

How to ponder deeper so that you can discover spiritual insights and be spiritually taught at God's feet.

How to use the scriptures to help you stay close to the spirit to receive divine directions.

How to use prayer to get answers to your life questions.

How to prepare for temple attendance to help it be a more spiritual experience.

How to use priesthood power so you can bless lives.

And more...

Where It All Began

It was a wonderful spring day, and I was a very young boy who had been permitted to use my father's prized binoculars just as I went out to play. It was the first time I had been allowed to use these binoculars after asking multiple times throughout my young life. Permission was not given lightly because it was a cherished memento of my father's days in the Navy. I remember having fun with my friends as we shared time looking through the lens at things in our neighborhood. They magically transformed objects far away to almost right in front of you. After we played for a while, we were going to go to another friend's house, and I knew that I shouldn't take the binoculars with me, so I hurried home and dropped them off and ran to catch up with the group.

At the end of the day, I returned home at the appointed time, and my father asked me to return the binoculars. I told him I would get them and went to where I thought they should be, but they weren't there. I looked everywhere but to no avail. After retracing my steps as best as I could, I still could not find them. I found myself sitting on the milk box outside the back door. I bowed my head into my hands to think; I began to pray. I was pleading with the Lord to help me find the binoculars.

To this day, I remember the distinct voice that came into my mind, which said, "You are sitting on them." I got up and opened the milk box, and sure enough, the binoculars were there. I then remembered coming home with the binoculars and not wanting to waste time taking them into the house and putting them away; I put them in the milk box for safekeeping.

To this day, I remember the voice that came into my mind, it was very clear but soft, not loud, and I knew that what I heard was true, and I acted upon it immediately. This experience and many others throughout my life have helped me gain a greater understanding of the Holy Ghost and the still small voice by which he communicates with us. As you apply the principles in this book, it will help you grow closer to Heavenly Father, and you will develop spiritual skills of listening to the Holy Ghost as you pray, ponder, fast, and live your life closer to God.

It doesn't matter where you are right now. Wherever you are in your journey here in mortality, the best time to improve your spiritual life is today. The next prayer you offer! If you are in a dark place or are at the pinnacle of purity in your life, you always have the right to sincerely call upon our Father in Heaven to talk with Him. But if you want help from Him, you need to be willing to act and follow the prompting you receive. You need to keep moving in the right direction as you follow these impressions.

For decades I have been on a journey that has focused on spirituality. This book brings together much of my personal revelation to help you study, apply simple principles to recognize the voice of the spirit in your life. As you read it, reach out to heaven to change your life for the best.

Pray, Ponder, and Fast for Divine Communication

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When your children come to you with a problem, do you remind them to pray for an answer?

What do you do if your children do not feel that they receive answers?

Can you teach your children to receive personal revelation and see God’s hand in their lives?

The information in this book will not only help you receive divine direction, but it will empower you to teach

your children a divine process to enrich their lives by knowing God’s will for them.

Developing the power and skill to build a solid spiritual foundation is what this book is all about!


"Personal Revelation was a very inspiring book. The author shares many faith-promoting experiences and shares practices that give more space in my life to the things of the spirit. I've even quoted parts of it to my adult kids, who loved the advice on how to get their little ones to feel and recognize the spirit." --SSEaton


My guarantee to you is that these principles, when humbly applied, will build your spiritual foundation. I know when you pray and ask right questions, you’ll get divine answers.

Personal Revelation will become a critical part of your life, it will help you fulfill your purpose here in mortality.

Guarantee: Also, If you study the principles in this book and apply them, it will 100% positively change your life for the better, or you get your money back!


President Russell M. Nelson Says

Review some recent quotes from President Nelson regarding the privilege and duty we have to study, listen to and follow personal revelation.

"I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that "if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal."

"One of the things the Spirit has repeatedly impressed upon my mind since my new calling as President of the Church is how willing the Lord is to reveal His mind and will. The privilege of receiving revelation is one of the greatest gifts of God to His children."

"If we will truly receive the Holy Ghost and learn to discern and understand His promptings, we will be guided in matters large and small."

"If Joseph Smith's transcendent experience in the Sacred Grove teaches us anything, it is that the heavens are open and that God speaks to His children."

"As you repeat this process day after day, month after month, year after year, you will "grow into the principle of revelation."

"If we are to have any hope of sifting through the myriad of voices and the philosophies of men that attack truth, we must learn to receive revelation."

"But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost."

"My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation."

"Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly."

"…come unto Christ, and lay hold upon every good gift," beginning with the gift of the Holy Ghost, which gift can and will change your life."

Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives - April 2018 General Conference

"The battle with sin is real. The adversary is quadrupling his efforts to disrupt testimonies and impede the work of the Lord."

We Can Do Better and Be Better - April 2019 General Conference

"Do the spiritual work to find out for yourselves, and please do it now. Time is running out."

"Come, Follow Me" - April 2019 General Conference

"Hear Him."

Go Forward in Faith - April 2020 General Conference

"…I am even more concerned about your spiritual and emotional preparation."

Embrace the Future with Faith - October 2020 General Conference

"It takes consistent, daily effort to develop personal habits to study the gospel, to learn more about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and to seek and respond to personal revelation."

Let God Prevail - October 2020 General Conference

"I hope you have found an increased ability to hear Him and receive personal revelation."

What We Are Learning and Will Never Forget - April 2021 General Conference

"Allow the Lord to lead you on your journey of spiritual discovery."

Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains - April 2021 General Conference

"If you and I are to withstand the forthcoming perils and pressures, it is imperative that we each have a firm spiritual foundation built upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ."

"So I ask each of you, how firm is your foundation? And what reinforcements to your testimony and understanding of the gospel are needed?"

The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation - October 2021 General Conference

"Spiritual doors will open. You will learn how to part the veil between heaven and earth, how to ask for God's angels to attend you, and how better to receive direction from heaven."

The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation - October 2021 General Conference

"I plead with you to make time for the Lord! Make your own spiritual foundation firm and able to stand the test of time by doing those things that allow the Holy Ghost to be with you always."

Make Time for the Lord - October 2021 General Conference

Digital Book!

Building your Spiritual Foundation takes effort and a willingness to mind and heart.

Personal Revelation is a digital book that you are able to take with you and study anywhere and at any time.

Develop a firm spiritual foundation starts with this deep dive into Divine Communication through Personal Revelation.

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other Books by Rick Barker:

The Spiritual Side of Addiction

You Can't Overcome an Addiction if You Don't Understand the Spiritual Side-of Addiction!

Avoid Satan's Fiery Darts

Addictions are a very complex process of wants and needs. This book helps you fight the battle that can be won or lost in your mind. Understanding the rules and the strategies are very important. The weapons that can and should be used in the war need to be mastered to have any chance of winning.

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Spiritual journal


• Divine Communication

• Building a Relationship with your Heavenly Father

• Fasting - A Spiritual Doctrine

• Prayer - Humility under Heaven

• Inspiration and Guidance

• Fulfilling your purpose...

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Spiritual journal

This is a journal that you can write about any of your personal spiritual experiences. You will then be able to go back and reread them from time to time, so you can relive the experience or be reminded of what you were impressed to do or say. These experiences are very important to us in these turbulent times. Hope you take the time to record the insights, impressions, thoughts you ponder, and any inspirations you might be given from heaven.

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